by Melanie Jongsma, staff blogger
I can remember attending the Torchlight Dinner as a child. I wasn't aware of the purpose of the event, I just remember being at McCormick Place, eating a big meal, listening to the Purdue Glee Club, enjoying a humorous speaker, and singing "How Great Thou Art" before going home. Now that I'm a member of the staff, I can see that the venues, speakers, and entertainment associated with Torchlight have varied over the years, but the basic concept has remained constant: This ministry knits together a broad range of God's people.
Torchlight is the closest thing this ministry has to a family reunion. Most of the time, the thousands of people who make up the Providence family are in separate places, thinking about other things. But at Torchlight, we all come together, united by a single cause. We are blessed to witness some of the people whose lives we've touched, and we are inspired to reach even more in the coming year.
Last year’s Torchlight was particularly meaningful because it was an occasion for us to officially mark the change of our name from Rest Haven to Providence Life Services. We wondered whether Torchlight attenders would accept the name-change — after all, these are people who are invested in the cause, who have great respect for the history behind this ministry, and who remember our founding mission. As it turns out, there was no need for worry. We learned that, perhaps more than any other group, Torchlight attenders know that this ministry has always been about extending Christ’s compassion to people who need it. Changing our name in order to accomplish more ministry? — No problem!
Now last year's Torchlight is a tough act to follow, but I think this year's event will be just as meaningful. The theme is "Gems of Providence," and we have spent many months interviewing, photographing, and videotaping members of the Providence family — residents, clients, staff, board members, volunteers, and donors. We plan to share their stories at the Torchlight Celebration on Friday, November 6, 2009, beginning at 6:30pm.
Like last year's event, this year's Torchlight will be hosted by Chicago's Field Museum. In fact, their Grainger Hall of Gems and their special exhibit, "The Nature of Diamonds," will provide a perfect backdrop to our "Gems of Providence" theme.
The event is less than a month away, but it's still possible to get tickets by emailing jschutt@provlife.com or calling 708.342.8108. I hope you can make it!
In preparation for this year's Torchlight — the 49th annual celebration — why not share some memories of Torchlights past? Post a comment below about your favorite speaker or your favorite location. I have memories of a few, but I'd love to hear from others who have been to more Torchlights than I have!
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