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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

5 Gift Ideas for Grandma and Grandpa

by Melanie Jongsma
Director of Communications

If your parents or grandparents are living in a retirement community where most of their needs are met, it can be difficult to think of meaningful Christmas gifts for them. And if your loved one has Alzheimer's or some other memory impairment, appropriate gifts can be even more difficult to think of. So we've compiled here a list of 5 gift ideas you might find helpful — and if you have any others to add to the list, please share them in the Comments below!

  1. Music. Burn a CD of favorite songs, perhaps in a personally-designed jewel case.
  2. Planning. A giant dry-erase calendar for tracking upcoming activities. (I gave my grandfather one of these a few years ago, and he loves it!)
  3. Memories. Have a family group photo or an old wedding photo enlarged and framed.
  4. Family. Put together an album or scrapbook that includes childhood photos, photos of significant events, and current memorabilia, arranged in chronological order. (Arranging them in chronological order can be a help for people with memory issues.) In fact, this scrapbook might even be something you work on with your loved one.
  5. Time. Many retirement communities have special events going on in December — such as this "Meet, Greet, and Eat" event at Holland Home. Attending such an event with your loved one — and other family members — can be a blessing for everyone.
Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to re-connect with family — in ways that are both creative and traditional. What ideas do you have for bringing the spirit of Christmas to a family member in a nursing home or retirement community?