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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Touchscreens Touch Lives

by Christian Schreiber, Staff Blogger

Most people don't get a warm, fuzzy feeling when they hear the word technology. Technology has connotations of being cold, lifeless, unfeeling.

But I recently learned about a "cold, lifeless" technology that is allowing Providence caregivers to be more "warm and fuzzy."

This spring we've begun using Touchscreen Charting at our skilled nursing campuses. Now, I used to be a CNA, and I remember "charting." At some point in every shift, each CNA would have to gather the medical charts of his or her 10-12 patients. We'd pile them on the break room table, sit down, open them up one by one, and record all the details we could remember about each patient. It was tedious work, and it took a long time, but we knew it was important: the next shift would be reading our charts and making care decisions based on our notes.

As important as charting is, the down side is that it takes you away from actual patient care. Every minute spent charting is a minute you're not feeding someone, walking with someone, answering someone's call light, or having a conversation with someone's family.

Touchscreen Charting is designed to minimize charting time and maximize charting accuracy. Not only is it a faster way to record patient details, it also allows you to make entries as things happen throughout your shift, rather than setting aside a block of time to sit down and chart. So your records are more likely to be accurate.

Providence has been working on this technology for more than two years, and we're all excited to begin implementing it. We're excited that time-saving technology like this gives us more time to be warm and human with the people we serve. It's one more way we can provide excellent care even when financial resources are in short supply.