by Melanie Jongsma
Director of Communications
In an attempt to be both clever and festive, I thought I'd present this week's blog as a Christmas acrostic, listing many of the blessings of Providence I'm particularly aware of during the holiday season. Maybe some of the blessings I list will remind you of your own!
C Community
- In the senior living industry, a lot of people use the word "community" without really thinking about it. But whenever I visit one of our Providence Life Services communities, I am genuinely impressed with the fellowship and camaraderie among residents and staff. People really do care for each other and watch out for each other.
H Holiday spirit
- This past year, the Life Enrichment staff at our communities have been very intentional about sending in photos of the fun activities they plan for residents and their families. Pumpkin Bowling, Thanksgiving Bingo, and Senior Olympics were just a few of the more recent events that gave me a glimpse of how much our staff and residents enjoy celebrating every holiday season!
R Rest
- I remember a conversation I had with a woman at one of our skilled nursing communities. She was losing her memory, and that worried her, but she looked at my name tag, which said "Rest Haven" at the time, and she smiled. "This really is a good place to rest, isn't it?" she said. Although we've changed our name now, we never forget that our founding purpose was to provide aging people with a safe, restful place to receive care.
I Innovation
- One of the temptations of working in senior services is to hang on to the past. I appreciate that Providence manages to respect the past while still embracing innovations that can make today and tomorrow better. The SARA system we're using at our communities in Palos Heights, Illinois, and Zeeland, Michigan, is one example of how technology enhances safety.
S Seniors
- Honestly, the more I interact with the people at our communities, the more respect I have for a generation that has survived war and peace, wealth and poverty, success and failure — all with a humble sense of acceptance. What a great example!
T Time
- If you're like me, you might not think of time as a blessing — it always seems like there's not enough of it! But the seniors at our communities have reminded me of what the Bible teaches: "Our times are in God's hands." (Psalm 31:15)
M Memories
- Memories are one of the ways we define ourselves and our connections. For example, a couple months ago, when I posted a blog about "Memories of Torchlight," I enjoyed the opportunity to re-visit my past. Judging from the comments from fans on our Facebook page, other people did too! Providence recognizes the value of memories, and that's another arena where our commitment to innovation pays off. The technology we installed at our Zeeland campus is one example: seniors are using computers to fight Alzheimer's!
A Angels
- Many months ago I read a letter from a man who had received care from Providence At Home. I don't remember the details, but I'll never forget his description of the team who ministered to him in his time of need; he called them "a swarm of angels." It's wonderful to be part of an organization whose service means so much to people.
S Salvation
- Salvation is the underlying current to everything we do at Providence Life Services. It's the reason our founders first saw the need for this ministry. It's the motivation for many of our staff, who could be doing much more prestigious work for much more money somewhere else. It's the example that so many of our residents set for us after a lifetime of faith in action. This Christmas I'm especially glad to know that the child who started His human life in a manger ended it on a cross.
"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,you now dismiss your servant in peace.For my eyes have seen your salvation,which you have prepared in the sight of all people,a light for revelation to the Gentilesand for glory to your people Israel."(Luke 2:29-32)
Merry Christmas!
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